Disability Transportation and Parking

Transportation and Parking FAQ

Yes, unless you are parking in a pay lot or parking during non-monitored hours. It should be noted that you are only allowed to park in a disability or standard space within your assigned permit area.

Transportation & Parking Services makes the determination. Please note you can rank your preferred permit area, but the determination is based upon availability.

Yes. Note: It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of your state issued disability parking placard or your disabled person’s license plate. If a disability placard or license plate is temporary or expires, the disability parking assignment will end shortly after that date. Transportation & Parking Services will contact students if a state issued disability placard or license plate is about to expire.

Yes, all standard parking regulations still apply to disability parking spaces. Failure to follow Transportation & Parking Services polices and deadlines could affect the possibility of assignment. Parking Registration usually beings in April for the next academic year.

No, but it is important to be aware that Paratransit generally only goes to UGA facilities (including Park and Ride and other remote UGA lots). If assistance is needed to get to campus, it is recommended to register for UGA parking. For suggestions on permit areas during Parking Registration, eligible Paratransit customers can contact Transportation & Parking Services. If you cannot obtain parking, it is recommended to use Athens Transit. In some cases, Paratransit  can pick up at the Statue of Athena in front of the Classic CenterAthens Multi-Modal Center, and / or Fraternity and Sorority houses.

You should contact Transportation & Parking Services by email (parking@uga.edu) or phone (706-542-7275).

Contact Accessibility and Testing

Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
| uga.access@uga.edu