Notetaking FAQ - Notetakers

Please upload notes within 24-48 hours after class.  If you become ill or are unable to take notes, please upload a document to AIM letting the notes recipient know, and attempt to find someone in the class to provide you with notes for this class period.

To upload notes, you will log into AIM ( and upon logging in, click the notetaker tab.  From there, click “Upload and view notes” on the left-hand side-bar.  You will then be redirected to a page that allows you to upload the notes. Files must be under 3 MB and in a certain format.  Specific instructions regarding file size, file names, file formats, and scanner locations/mobile applications may be found here: Notetaker Registration Page: Load Notes into AIM.

If you receive an error message when uploading your notes, your document may be the wrong size or format.  Documents should be no more than 3 MB in size, and a list of formats may be found here: Notetaker Registration Page: Load Notes into AIM. To reduce file size for handwritten notes, we recommend writing single-sided on paper and using one of the campus scanners listed in the link above that can create reduced file sizes.  If you are still having difficulty with uploading notes, please contact our Accessibility and Testing IT staff at (706) 542-8296, or visit the technology lab on the second floor of Clark Howell Hall.

Accessibility and Testing has scanners available on the second floor of Clark Howell Hall, in our IT lab.  A full list of scanners and mobile phone scanner apps is available here: Notetaker Registration Page: Load Notes into AIM.

In order to get paid for notetaking services, you must upload your notes within 24-48 hours after each class to the AIM online portal.   If notetakers wish to provide access to their Google Drive, they may; however, notes must be uploaded in full (not just a link to Google Drive) within 24-48 hours of the course meeting.

For information about logging into AIM, please contact our Disability Resource Center IT staff at (706) 542-8296, or visit the technology lab on the second floor of Clark Howell Hall.  AIM login does not work from mobile devices.

Notetakers are assigned after drop/add period.  If selected, you will receive an email to your UGA email asking you to confirm this assignment.  Upon confirming the assignment, you will be able to upload notes immediately.  To receive full compensation, please upload your notes from the beginning of the semester.

If you drop a course or become unable to serve as the notetaker, please email Samra Ward at so that we can find a replacement notetaker as soon as possible. 

After receiving notetaking assignments, you must complete the Notetaker Registration Page: Notetaker Payment Sign Up. Payment cannot be issued until this step is complete.

The standard payment rate is $100 per course per semester. Payment will be prorated if you or the Accessibility and Testing student drop the class. In addition, the notes you upload will be reviewed and payment may be prorated if it is determined that you did not upload notes for the full semester. 

Payments for notetaking are processed when the semester ends. You should receive payment within a month after the end of the semester. 

Find the class where you were a notetaker. You may have to click on “Previous Semester” to see this information. Click “View” next to the class you were assigned. The E-Invoice will be listed under the class information.

Contact Accessibility and Testing

Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm