AIM Instructions for faculty

How to Log In to Faculty Portal

  1. Go to
  2. Hover your cursor over Faculty across the top of the screen and click AIM – Faculty Login
  3. Use your MyID credentials to log in to the Faculty Portal of AIM.

Faculty Portal Overview Page

  1. On the Overview page, you can see a list of STUDENTS WHO REQUESTED ACCOMMODATIONS for each of your courses. You can also search within this list based on a variety of criteria.
  2. The left-hand side of this page will include modules that you will use int he Faculty Portal, such as Upload Syllabus, Alternative Testing, and Flex Plan.


  1. Click Upload Syllabus on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Select the course from the drop-down menu for which you are uploading a syllabus.
  3. Upload a copy of your syllabus and then click UPLOAD FILE to submit.

Alternative Testing

  1. Click on Alternative Testing on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on ALTERNATIVE TESTING AGREEMENT across the top of the screen. With the new updates to AIM, the Accessibility and Testing Agreement now has the option for you to submit specific exam dates, start times, and duration. Please complete this section based on when your class is scheduled to test. This will ensure accuracy for our staff when reviewing exam appointments for students and allows the students the opportunity to schedule exams correctly.
  3. Several important reminders are included above the fillable testing agreement. These include information about audio/visual portions, reader or scribe, making changes to the date, time, or materials for an exam, and modifying an exam if errors are found.

Alternative Testing Agreement

  1. Input information for your exams by responding to the List of Questions. This will include the following items:
    • How are your exams given?

You will indicate if your exam is taken on paper or online. If your exam is proctored in a different way, you will choose Other and then provide more information in the Additional Comment box.

  • How are your exams proctored?

You will indicate whether you proctor your exams in person, with AI/software (such as Respondus Monitor), as well as indicate that your exams are not proctored, or you can click Other and provide more information in the Additional Comment box.

  • Where are your exams administered for the class?

You will indicate if your exam is administered In the Classroom/Lab/Mass Exam Room or via Remote Online/At Home. You will then be asked to provide your exam dates/ranges in a text box.

  • Are Accessibility and Testing students allowed to begin their exam at a different time than the class?

If you select Yes, you will need to specify your parameters in the text box below.

  • Test Delivery to Accessibility and Testing

There are several ways you can submit your exam to Accessibility and Testing, including emailing it to, uploading it to the Faculty Portal, instructor delivery to the Accessibility and Testing Office, or indicating it is an online exam that will not require delivery. If students require a password to access an online exam, you will need to provide this in the text box below.

  • Test Return to Instructor

Like test delivery, you can choose how you would like completed exams to be returned to you. You can select instructor pick-up at the Accessibility and Testing Office, student return in a sealed and secured envelope, digital copy uploaded to faculty portal, or indicate it is an online exam where no return is required. If you would like scratch paper used by the student to be returned, please specify in the text box below.

  • Exam materials allowed for all students in the class

Several options are provided, and you can select all that apply to your exam. These include non-graphing and graphing calculators, open notes or open book, note card/formula sheet/crib sheet, AnT or personal computer, bluebook, as well as an option to indicate other items in the Additional Comment box.

  • Scratch Paper
    The Accessibility and Testing Office provides scratch paper to students upon request unless they are specifically directed not to do so by the instructor. You can indicate whether or not scratch paper is allowed.
  • Are scantrons needed for your exam?

If scantrons are needed, you can select which scantron is used from a variety of options. If the scantron you use is not listed, you can select None of the Above and provide information in the Additional Comment box.

  • How much flexibility should be allowed for students starting exams late?

You can choose to allow a student to test with the remaining exam duration as scheduled, during which they will forfeit the duration of the tardiness, or choose to not allow a student to test. If you select to not allow a student to test, please also specify if there is a cut-off time after the start of the exam for the class in the Additional Comment box. The DRC Testing Office will notify you of tardiness over 10 minutes in length.

  • If clarification is needed during an exam, what should the student do to ensure equitable grading?
    You can indicate that you would like the DRC to call or email the instructor, as well as have the student answer the question to the best of their knowledge and include their question in the completed returned exam.
  • Do you have any other co-instructors or teaching assistants that can be contacted for questions and should be given access to your course and student information in our system (AIM)?

If so, you will list their name(s) and UGA e-mail address(es) in the Additional Comment box.

  1. To submit this form click UPDATE AND VIEW EXAM DATES

Add Exam Dates

  1. Click on ADD EXAM DATES across the top of the screen

With the new updates to AIM, instructors can now enter their exam dates in this section. While this is not required, we encourage instructors to utilize this function, as it will help streamline student requests for testing appointments. For classes in which an instructor adds exam dates, a student can then associate the pre-made exam date to their exam request in the Student Portal. This feature will assist with decreasing confusion from students regarding test dates and hopefully alleviate unnecessary email communication with instructors about exam dates.

  1. Any exam dates that have been submitted will appear in the LIST EXAM DATES You can modify or delete any exam dates you have entered.
  2. Input information for your exam by making selections in the EXAM DETAIL section

You will select the type of exam from the drop-down menu to indicate if it is a regular exam, a final exam, an online exam (taken in the classroom), or a quiz. You will then select the date of the exam, start time, and duration in minutes. Instructors can also provide more information in the Additional Note for Staff text box.

  1. Then, you have the option to upload a copy of your exam in the UPLOAD EXAM FILE As mentioned previously, there are several ways in which you can deliver your test to the DRC Testing Office, and this feature allows you to do it as you enter your exam dates. Alternatively, you can always modify any exam date details after submitting your information, which can include uploading a copy of your exam once it is finalized.
  2. To submit this form click SAVE EXAM DATE
  3. You can then proceed to follow the same steps outlined above to enter in additional exam dates for your course

Copy Alternative Testing Agreement

  1. Click on COPY ALTERNATIVE TESTING AGREEMENT across the top of the screen and follow the prompts.

How to Log In to Faculty Portal

  1. Go to
  2. Hover your cursor over Faculty across the top of the screen and click AIM – Faculty Login
  3. Use your myid credentials to log in to the Faculty Portal of AIM

Faculty Portal Overview Page

  1. On the Overview page, you can see a list of STUDENTS WHO REQUESTED ACCOMMODATIONS. You can also search within this list based on a variety of criteria.
  2. The left-hand side of this page will include modules that you will use in the Faculty Portal, such as Upload Syllabus, Alternative Testing, and Flex Plan.


  1. Click on Upload Syllabus on the left-hand side of the screen
  2. Select the course from the drop-down menu for which you are uploading a syllabus
  3. Upload a copy of your syllabus and then click UPLOAD FILE to submit.

Flex Plan

  1. Click on Flex Plan on the left-hand side of the screen

Flex Plan is a new module within the Faculty Portal. It helps manage flexible accommodations for students, such attendance requirements and assignment deadlines. The accommodation of Disability Related Absences has a new name and is now called Flexibility with Attendance, while Disability Related Extensions is now Flexibility with Assignment Deadlines. The Flex Plan module lets students, instructors, and DRC staff work together to create a customized flexibility plan, and reduces the need for meetings, emails, and phone calls.

  1. On the Flex Plan page, you will be able to see individual student requests for Flexible accommodations listed by the type of Flexible accommodation (e.g., Flexibility with Attendance).
  2. Click View next to the accommodation request you would like to create a Flex Plan for.
  3. If you are completing a Flex Plan for Flexibility with Attendance, you will be taken to a page where you can view the student request and information about the accommodation. You also have the option to upload a copy of your course Syllabus in this section.
  4. In the Options section on the left-hand side, you can choose to Copy to Other Requests in the Same Course (which will copy responses to other students in the same course with the same accommodation) or Copy to Other Requests in My Courses (which will copy responses to other students in any course with the same accommodation). This will alleviate the need to submit the same Flex Plan information for each student for a particular accommodation and will ensure students with the same Flexible accommodation are provided with consistent Flex Plans.
  5. Input information by responding to the List of Questions. This will include the following items:
    • Does this course have an attendance policy?
      You will indicate the typical number of absences allowed according to your syllabus or indicate the course does not have an attendance policy.
    • If your course does have an attendance policy, what number of absences would fundamentally alter the course and impact the successful completion of course objectives?

You will list guidance on additional attendance flexibility in the Additional Comment box, indicate the course cannot allow additional attendance flexibility, or indicate not applicable because the course does not have an attendance policy.

  • Does the course have participation requirements?

You can indicate that your course does have participation requirements and list more information in the Additional Comment box. You can also indicate the course does not have participation requirements or that the class participation policy cannot be modified without altering the essential requirements and provide more information in the Additional Comment box.

  • Will alternative participation assignments be considered in lieu of attendance or participation?

You can indicate that there will be alternative participation assignments and provide more information in the Additional Comment box or indicate that full in-class participation and attendance is fundamental to the course objectives.

  • If a test or quiz is missed due to their disability, a makeup test opportunity needs to be provided. How would you like students to reschedule this?

You can provide specific instructions in the text box as to how you would like students to schedule a makeup test.

  • If there is a lab or discussion section for your course, how can this work be made up?

There are several options for responses, including the student should schedule a make-up lab/discussion section with the instructor, the student may attend another section of the lab/discussion with instructor permission, the student will work with their accommodations coordinator and instructor to determinate a fair alternative arrangement, or you can provide more information in the Additional Comment box.

  • Please list any additional information needed or points for review in the box below.

You can provide additional information in this text box that is relevant to your course’s expectations regarding attendance and participation.

  1. To submit this form, please read the statement regarding the flexibility agreement for the attendance accommodation and click I agree to the statement listed. Then, click INITIATE AND REQUEST REVIEW.
  2. The Flex Plan will then be routed to both the student and the accommodations coordinator for them to review and provide comments. This internal review within the Faculty Portal will help streamline the interactive process when determining the reasonable number of additional absences for a course.

If you have additional requests on the Flex Plan page for another Flexible accommodation, such as Flexibility with Assignment Deadlines, you will click View next to that accommodation request to begin creating a Flex Plan for this. Similar to Flexibility with Attendance, you will have the option to upload your syllabus as well as choose whether or not you would like to Copy to Other Requests in the Same Course (which will copy responses to other students in the same course with the same accommodation) or Copy to Other Requests in My Courses (which will copy responses to other students in any course with the same accommodation). Additionally, you will input your information by responding to the List of Questions, clicking I agree to the statement listed after reading the flexibility agreement and then clicking INITIATE AND REQUEST REVIEW.