Aisles with a single direction of travel must be at least 36” wide. If turning around or passing is required, the minimum aisle width increases to 60”.
Clear floor space at a workstation must be at least 30” wide and 48” deep. The aisle measurement begins at the end of the clear floor space area.
Knee space must be at least 27” high and 19” deep.
Desk surfaces may be no higher than 48”. If the desk reach depth is 20-25”, height shall be limited to 44”. Reach depth may not exceed 25”. Height-adjustable desks are strongly recommended.
Unique aspects of your area may require additional consideration not outlined here. For more information regarding standards for physical space, please see Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Accessibility and Testing recommends that you select the largest computer monitors your space and budget will allow. Monitor stands should be height and tilt adjustable.
Interface Devices
In addition to traditional mice, we recommend that you keep at least one ergonomic split keyboard on hand, as well as a selection of alternative pointing devices such as track balls, thumb balls, and touchpads. Make sure to let your students know that these items are available upon request.
Many students are assigned Optical Character Recognition software as an accommodation for a variety of disabilities. Having access to a scanner will allow these students to take full advantage of their accommodation without making special trips home or to the DRC AT Lab. A flatbed scanner is recommended for maximum flexibility. In a pinch, magnification of a scanned image can also take the place of a dedicated CCTV or Video Magnifier.
Headset with Microphone
Headphones with microphone should be kept on-hand for use with speech-to-text as well as text-to-speech applications. High-quality USB headsets are recommended in order to bypass possible shortcomings of audio hardware built-in to the computer.
Accessibility and Testing maintains a catalog of accessibility software for installation on UGA-owned Windows computers intended for student use.
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Dragon Naturally Speaking allows students the ability to create, edit, and save documents using speech to text. This can be very useful for students with mobility issues or students who find it easier to use the dictation to get their thoughts on to paper. Also, users with mobility concerns can leverage this software to control all functions of the computer using their voice.
Claro Read
ClaroRead is a feature-rich text-to-speech screen reader program that reads selected text in a high-quality synthesized voice. Most programs are compatible with ClaroRead, including Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader, and almost every web browser, allowing practically any on-screen text to be read aloud. ClaroRead is also highly customizable, allowing you to modify toolbar functions, choose from a variety of synthesized voices and change the rate of speech.
TextHelp Read & Write
This is a literacy support tool designed to assist users of all ages who require extra assistance when reading or composing text. It provides a host of study features to assist any user with research & composition, and offers users with literacy difficulties the opportunity to work in an inclusive manner alongside their peers and colleagues.
JAWS (an acronym for Job Access with Speech), is a powerful accessibility solution that reads information on the computer monitor using a synthesized voice. JAWS provides many useful commands that make it easier to use programs, edit documents, and navigate the internet. When used with a Refreshable Braille Display, JAWS can also provide real-time braille output in addition to, or instead of, speech. An array of versatile features and customizable options allows JAWS to be tailored to individual preferences.
MAGic combines great magnification features with true low vision screen reading when used in conjunction with JAWS. It gives users the ability to choose what information is read from the screen as applications are navigated. MAGic is easy to use with its talking large print installation, color-coded user interface, and hot keys that avoid conflicts with Windows and popular software applications.
Mindjet Mind Manager
Mind Manager is a software package for both the PC and Mac that adds structure to brainstorming, allowing you to place thoughts into a meaningful, visual format. The software allows for individuals to work alone or to collaborate in groups.
A powerful OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program from Freedom Scientific can convert printed documents into electronic text as well as audio. Openbook can be used in conjunction with the Pearl Camera for instant access to printed materials without the need to see them.
Contact Accessibility and Testing
Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
706-542-8719 |