Students with disabilities may be accommodated with notetakers in their classes. Depending upon the student’s disability-related limitations, notetakers serve to either supplement the student’s notes or provide notes fully for the student.
Faculty will be contacted by Accessibility and Testing if assistance with recruiting a notetaker is needed. If possible, identify a student in the course who you believe would be a competent and dependable notetaker. If you do not know of any students in your course with good notetaking skills, please make the following announcement not mentioning the name(s) of the student:
“A student in this course requires a notetaker. If you plan to attend class regularly and are interested in being a notetaker, please go to the Accessibility and Testing website and click on “Notetaker Registration”. For providing this service, you will be paid $100 per course section. Payment will be made at the end of the semester.”
Both the notetaker and the Accessibility and Testing registered student should attend class regularly. If the student is absent from class, the professor has the right to restrict notes access for missed days of class, unless the student is eligible to receive additional absences. Please contact drcnotes@uga.edu should the need for notes restriction arise.
Notes are provided for student personal use only.
If there are questions or concerns regarding the notetaker or this accommodation, either contact the student’s Disability Coordinator or direct the student to the Disability Coordinator. Contact information is included on the Faculty Notification letter.
Contact Accessibility and Testing
Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
706-542-8719 | uga.access@uga.edu