Foreign Language Placement Exam Exceptions
Students will not be allowed to register for 1001 in the same foreign language they studied in high school. A foreign language placement exam is required for students who plan to continue studying the same foreign language in college that they studied in high school. These exams are used for placement. Students may earn credit or exempt courses depending on how they perform on the exams. Exams may only be attempted once. If those students do not exempt 1001 and 1002, they must be placed into 1110. Accessibility and Testing offers exams in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. For exams in other languages, please contact the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences for a list of individual departments to contact.
For more information about previously earned credit, please see the following links:
Your advisor can help you determine the appropriate course to take if you wish to continue in the same language.
The cost of the foreign language placement exams is $30, and the exams last 60 minutes and vary in the number of questions. Please see Foreign Language Score Breakdown and Placement Listings for more information about scores for this exam and placement.
If you have any questions about scheduling a placement exam, please contact Accessibility and Testing at (706)542-3183
Contact the Testing Office
205 Clark Howell Hall
Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Emmie Gooch, Assistant Director of Disability Services
Tori Norwood, Assistant Director of Accommodated Testing and Alternative Formats