Graduation Requirement Exams FAQ

Yes, the History and Constitution exams are required before graduation if you have not previously satisfied these graduation requirements by Class Credit, Dual Enrollment, or AP credit.  It is recommended that you have this graduation requirement completed the semester before you plan to graduate. If you are unsuccessful in passing the test, you have time to register for the class.

The Constitution exam may be taken two times.  The History exam may be taken five times. Both exams require a mandatory 7-day wait period before your retake.  Therefore, it is recommended that you begin working on these graduation requirements during your junior year.

The Constitution exam is written by the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA); it is split into two sections – GA and Federal. The History exam is written by the History department; one test with three parts. Each exam has been approved by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

The History and Constitution exams are scored and uploaded every Tuesday.  It can take up to one week after the upload for scores to appear in your Athena account.

You must pass each section of both the History and Constitution exam.  Please see the actual scores below.

History passing scores:
Georgia   –  12 correct out of 20 questions
Pre 1877  –  24 correct out of 40 questions
Post 1877 – 24 correct out of 40 questions

Constitution passing scores:
GA Constitution – 30 correct out of 50 questions
US Constitution – 30 correct out of 50 questions

Yes, you must pay each time you take the history or constitution exams.  The history exam is $30 and the combined constitution exam is $45.  Individual constitution exams are $30 each.  You can schedule and pay for your exam here. You must bring your Photo ID to your appointment.

No. Make sure you want to take the test before you register and pay. ACCESSIBILITY AND TESTING DOES NOT ISSUE REFUNDS.

No, if you pass a section of the history exam you do not need to retake that section.  You will sign up for the history exam again and only retake the sections you have not yet passed.

Exam scores are uploaded every Tuesday. Once uploaded it can take up to a week to appear on Athena, but can usually be viewed as early as Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. To view your test scores in Athena, you will click on:

  • Student and Registration
  • Student Profile
  • Prior Education and Testing