If your class is using an online lecture format (e.g., Zoom, Skype, pre-recorded lecture, audio-narrated PowerPoint, etc.) or a hybrid lecture format which is in-person for some students while others attend online, please upload notes within 24-28 hours of the lecture meeting whether you attend in person or online.
If your class is doing modules or a form of class participation that does not involve lectures, you are not required to take notes. Please instead upload a file to AIM explaining why there is no need for notes. Example: “The class is doing eLC modules, which do not allow for notetaking. Please contact the professor if you have any questions.” You will not receive payment for classes in this format.
- Payment information in light of COVID-19 will be announced to all notetakers via email as soon as possible.
You will need to complete the Notetaker Payment Sign-Up sheet and email it to the DRC. If this is your first semester as a notetaker, you will also need to complete a Supplier Registration. Complete instructions are available on the Notetaker Payment Sign-Up page. If you have already completed this, you don’t need to do anything else.
All notetakers forms can now be completed electronically. Please do not come to the DRC’s office to complete your notetaker forms in person.
Please email your questions to We are monitoring this email regularly and will respond to your questions as soon as we are able.
Contact Accessibility and Testing
Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
706-542-8719 |