The University of Georgia seeks to provide students with disabilities the opportunity to fully participate in educational programs and services. In keeping with this philosophy, it is University policy that students with documented disabilities receive reasonable accommodations through access to classroom information.
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the ADAAA of 2008 mandate that universities make reasonable accommodations in programs and activities to provide equal access to qualified persons with disabilities. A qualified person with a disability is one who can satisfy “the academic and technical standards requisite to admission or participation in the recipient’s educational program or activity.”
Types of disabilities commonly found among university students are both visible and hidden. Disabilities can be physical, cognitive, or psychological. Examples include the following: Acquired brain injuries, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, blind and low vision, chronic illnesses, deaf and hard of hearing, learning disabilities, mobility impairments, and psychological disorders.
Accessibility and Testing provides faculty with recommendations regarding the appropriate provision of academic adjustments for students in the classroom. While professors are expected to make reasonable accommodations, they are never asked to lower academic standards or provide adjustments that are excessive or contradictory to stated course objectives. If appropriate academic adjustments are not provided by faculty, many students with disabilities will be at an academic disadvantage.
Academic accommodations may entail assisting students in finding notetakers or arranging testing accommodations. More sophisticated requests might involve converting a textbook into alternative media or installing assistive software at a computer lab. The accommodations recommended will vary according to the student’s individual needs.
Accessibility and Testing recognizes that faculty may have limited time and resources to adequately provide students with requested accommodations. If professors need assistance, want additional information on how to accommodate students with disabilities, or require consultation on teaching and testing techniques, please contact a disability services coordinator at (706) 542-8719.
Tips for Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Students who are deaf or hard of hearing receive information in various ways: through an interpreter; through lip reading; through an assistive listening device (ALD); or through C-Print or a similar system of speech to print. The following tips can contribute to the student’s success in your class.
- Students who are deaf or hard of hearing depend on their vision to watch an interpreter or speech read.
- Ensure the student has a clear view of the instructor and interpreter.
- Standing in front of a light source puts your face in a shadow. This makes it very difficult to speech read.
- Avoid speaking when the student cannot see your face, such as when you write on the board or walk around the room.
- When referring to items on the board, point directly to the word or phrase you are referencing.
- All videos and video clips need to be captioned.
- Look at the student, not the interpreter, when talking.
- Speak directly to the student, using first person language. Ask “Do you have a question?”, rather than “Does she have a question?”
- Speak naturally, the interpreter will ask you for clarification or for you to slow down, if needed. The interpreter will lag behind you a few words in order to hear a complete thought before signing it.
- The interpreter does not explain, clarify, or give advice about the class material to the student.
- Make sure the lighting is adequate for the student to see the interpreter.
- Avoid private conversations with others in the presence of a student who is deaf because the interpreter must interpret everything that is said.
Teaching Strategies
- Provide written announcements for test dates, assignments and other important information.
- Repeat questions from the class before responding. A student using an ALD hears only what comes from the microphone, missing anything else spoken.
- Do not talk to the class at the same time you are having them read something.
- When an interpreter is being used in class, allow enough time for the student to participate is discussions through the interpreter. It is important that only one person speakat a time.
- Providing a copy of notes or power point slides in advance to the student and interpreter/C-Print captionist will aid them in following the lecture. This also allows time for the student and interpreter to prepare signs for specific terminology or unfamiliar words.
Revised July 2018
Not usually. Most students do not need any change in teaching style, however, some students need adjustments to access a course. For example, instructors may be asked to verbalize when writing on the board to accommodate a student with a visual impairment.
The student is responsible for contacting Accessibility and Testing and providing documentation of a disability. The staff uses federal regulations as a guide to determine what academic accommodations the student is eligible for in the classroom. Academic accommodations are not provided to ensure a student’s academic success, but are provided to give the student equal opportunity during their academic career at the University of Georgia.
Accessibility and Testing never asks faculty to lower grading standards. However, reasonable alternatives for course requirements may be requested based on a particular student’s disability. For example, in a lab where students are required to work individually, a student who has limited hand use may require a lab assistant to aid in manual dexterity.
Professional staff at Accessibility and Testing are available to discuss any questions or concerns that faculty may have about requested accommodations. Feel free to contact a coordinator or the Director at 542-8719.
Accessibility and Testing is a resource for you. Please feel free to refer students to Accessibility and Testing and ask that they obtain a letter documenting their disabilities and accommodation needs.
First, talk to the student about your concerns. If the student is agreeable, refer the student to Accessibility and Testing. The staff will be happy to assist the student in identifying an appropriate agency for assessment or evaluation.
Accessibility and Testing negotiates to have course sections moved to accessible locations for students with mobility impairments registered with our office.
No. Accessibility and Testing encourages professors and instructors to provide testing accommodations within the classroom or department. If you have any questions about the best way to provide an accommodation, do not hesitate to contact the disability testing coordinator at 542-8719.
Contact Accessibility and Testing
Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
706-542-8719 | uga.access@uga.edu