Accessibility and Testing offers the TEAS exam in person in our testing center or remotely. You can register for either option on the TEAS website.
To schedule an appointment, you will need to go to the ATI website and create a student login. When you sign up for the TEAS test, look for ATI TEAS by ATI Nursing. When you pay with online with ATI, it will cover all fees. Then you will select our site as a location for testing remotely or in person. Our site will be listed as University of Georgia TEAS or Univ of GA TEAS or U of GA TEAS.
If you have questions, please contact us at uga.access@uga.edu or call 706-542-3183 and ask for Lisa.
Accessibility and Testing offers the TEAS exam in person in our testing center or remotely. You can register for either option on the TEAS website.
To schedule an appointment, you will need to go to the ATI website and create a student login. When you sign up for the TEAS test, look for ATI TEAS by ATI Nursing. When you pay with online with ATI, it will cover all fees. Then you will select our site as a location for testing remotely or in person. Our site will be listed as University of Georgia TEAS or Univ of GA TEAS or U of GA TEAS.
If you have questions, please contact us at uga.access@uga.edu or call 706-542-3183 and ask for Lisa.